Articles spécialisés

ProNATs renvoie à des textes spécialisés sur les thèmes du travail des enfants, des enfants travailleur*euse*s , des mouvements d'enfants et des droits de l'enfant, dont certains peuvent être téléchargés. Ils sont adaptés à une utilisation dans le secteur universitaire.

Abebe, Tatek (2008): Ethiopian Childhoods: A Case Study of the Lives of Orphans and Working Children. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Abebe, Tatek & Sharon Bessell (2011): Dominant discourses, debates and silences on child labour in Africa and Asia. In: Third World Quarterly, 32(4), pp. 765-786.

Ashraf, Shahid (2001): Children Labourers Without Alternatives. In:Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, 3, hrsg. von der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, S. 301-309.

Aufseeser, Dena (2014): Alternative spaces of learning: Street children’s experiences negotiating education and labor in Peru. In: Geographies of Informal Learning. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 112-123.

Aufseeser, Dena (2014): “Protecting” street children? Urban revitalization and regulation in Lima, Peru. In: Urban Geography, 35(6), pp. 870-888.

Aufseeser, Dena (2014): Protection, control and rights: An in-depth look at Peru’s Begging Bill. In: International Journal of Children’s Rights, 22(2), pp. 241-267.

Aufseeser, Dena (2014): The problems of child labor and education in Peru: A critical analysis of universal approaches to youth development. In: A Critical Youth Studies for the 21st Century. Leiden: Brill, pp. 181-195.

Aufseeser, Dena (2015): Street children and everyday violence. In: Geographies of Children and Young People, Vol. 11. Conflict Violence and Peace. Singapore: Springer. 2015.

Bessell, Sharon (2009): Indonesian Children's Views and Experiences of Work and Poverty. In: Social Policy and Society, 8(4), pp. 527-540.

Bessell, Sharon (2011): Influencing International Child Labour Policy: The Potential and Limits of Children-Centred Research. In: Children and Youth Services Review, 33(4), pp. 564-568.

Betz, Joachim (2001): Die Fragwürdigkeit von Sozialsiegeln: Kinderarbeit im indischen Teppichsektor. In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, 3, hrsg. von der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, S. 310-321.

Bhima Sangha & the Makkala Panchayats & Concerned for Working Children (2003): Bhima Sangha and the Makkala Panchayats: Chroniclers of Our Own Histories. Bangalore, India: Concerned for Working Children.

Bourdillon, Michael (2006): Children and work: a review of current literature and debates. In: Development and Change, 37(6), pp. 1201-1226.

Bourdillon, Michael (2006): Violence Against Working Children: A Report on Recent Research Relating to Work that is Harmful to Children. Stockholm: Save the Children.

Bourdillon, Michael (2007): Child domestic workers in Zimbabwe: children's perspectives. In: Working to be Someone: Child Focused Research and Practice with Working Children. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 55-65.

Bourdillon, Michael (2009): Children as domestic employees: Problems and promises. In: Journal of Children and Poverty, 15(1), pp. 1-18.

Bourdillon, Michael (2009): 'Child labour’ in Southern Africa. In: Werkwinkel, 4(1), pp. 17-36.

Bourdillon, Michael (2010): Child labour and tea in Zimbabwe. In: International Journal of Anthropology, 25(3-4), pp. 211-219.

Bourdillon, Michael (2010): Should child labour be outlawed? In: South African Labour Bulletin, 34(4), pp. 69-71.

Bourdillon, Michael (2013): Children's Work. In: Handbook of Child Well-Being. Theories, Methods and Policies in Global Perspective. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 824-861.

Bourdillon, Michael (2016): Labor as education. In: Laboring and Learning. In: Geographies of Children and Young People, vol. 10. Singapore: Springer, pp. 91-110.

Bourdillon, Michael & Richard Carothers (2019): Policy on Children’s Work and Labour. In: Children & Society, 33(4), pp. 387-395.

Bourdillon, Michael & William Myers & Ben White (2009): Reassessing working children and minimum-age standards. In: International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 29(3/4), pp. 106-117.

Bourdillon, Michael & Eve Musvosvi (2014): What can children’s rights mean when children are struggling to survive? The Case of Chiweshe, Zimbabwe. In: Children’s Lives in an Era of Children’s Rights: The Progress of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Africa. London: Routledge, pp. 105-122.

Carothers, Richard (2015): Recognizing and Supporting Working Children through Microfinance Programming. In: Enterprise Development and Microfinance, Practical Action Publishing, 26(2), pp. 177-194.

Carothers, Richard & Curtis Breslin & Jennifer Denomy & Mamdouh Foad (2010): Promoting occupational safety and health for working children through microfinance programming. In: International Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health, 16(2), pp. 164-74.

Carothers, Richard & Richard Rinehart & Eric V. Edmonds (2010): Crossfire: MFI’s are a good mechanism to address issues of children’s work (child labour) and contribute positively to the well-being of children. In: Enterprise Development and Microfinance, Practical Action Publishing, 21(4), pp. 177-194.

Cheney, Kristen E. (2018): Decolonizing Childhood Studies: Overcoming Patriarchy and Prejudice in Child-Related Research and Practice. In: Reimagining Childhood Studies. London & New York: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 91-104.

Cockburn, John & Benoit Dostie (2007): Child Work and Schooling: The Role of Household Asset Profiles and Poverty in Rural Ethiopia. In: Journal of African Economies, 16, pp. 519-563.

Collins, Tara (2014): The Relationship between Children’s Rights and Business. In: International Journal of Human Rights, 18(6), pp. 582-633.

Cordero Arce, Matías (2015): Maturing Children’s Rights Theory: From children, with children, of children. In: International Journal of Children’s Rights, 25(1), pp. 283-331.

Cunningham, Hugh (1990): The Employment and Unemployment of Children in England c.1680–1851. In: Past & Present, 126(1), pp. 115-150.

Cussiánovich, Alejandro & Ana María Márquez (2002): Toward a Protagonist Participation of Boys, Girls and Teenagers. Lima, Peru: Save the Children Sweden.

Cussiánovich, Alejandro & Moisés Bazán Novoa (2009): The Experience of Self-Organisation: What Is This Thing Called Participation? Cochabamba, Bolivia: Terre des Hommes.

Dahlén, Marianne (2007): The Negotiable Child. The ILO Child Labour Campaign 1919-1973. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet.

Deutscher Bundestag – 14. Wahlperiode (2000): Bericht der Bundesregierung über Kinderarbeit in Deutschland. Drucksache 14/3500. Bonn: Bundesanzeiger.

Dougnon, Isaie (2011): Child trafficking or labor migration? A historical perspective from Mali’s Dogon country. In: Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development, 2(1), pp. 85-105.

Duque-Páramo, Maria (2013). Investigación con Niños sobre sus Voces y Experiencias. Intencionalidades, Conceptos, Aspectos Éticos y Métodos. In: Salud Colectiva. Perspectivas Teóricas y Metodológicas. Bogotá: Editorial, pp. 99-138.

Dyson, Jane (2008): Harvesting Identities: Youth, Work, and Gender in the Indian Himalayas. In: Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 98(1), pp. 160-179.

Dyson, Jane (2010): Friendship in practice: Girls’ work in the Indian Himalayas. In: American Ethnologist, 37(3), pp. 482-498.

Easterbrook, Riley & Rebecca Raby & Wolfgang Lehmann (2020): Navigating babysitting as liminal, gendered, and undervalued work. In: Childhood,

Enda (Ed.) (1997): Working children and youth of West Africa get organised. Dakar: Enda Tiers Monde Jeunesse Action / mimeo.

Enda (2001): Voice of African Children: Work, Strength, and Organisation of Working Children and Youth. Occasional Paper 217. Dakar: ENDA Tiers Monde.

Gankam Tambo, Ina & Manfred Liebel (2020): Children as Domestic Workers. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia on Children and Childhood Studies. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, pp. 679-682.

Giri, Birendra R. (2007): An Autobiography of Child Work: A Reflexive Account.. In: Childhoods Today, 1(2), pp. 1-21.

Grover, Sonja (2002): Why Aren’t These Youngsters In School? Meeting Canada’s Charter Obligations to Disadvantaged Adolescents. In: The International Journal of Children’s Rights, 10(1), pp. 1-37.

Grover, Sonja (2007): Children as Chattel of the State: Deconstructing the concept of sex trafficking. In: The International Journal of Human Rights, 11(3), pp. 291-305.

Grover, Sonja (2013): Child Soldiers as Victims of ‘Genocidal Forcible Transfer’: Darfur and Syria as Case Examples. In: International Journal of Human Rights, 17(3), pp. 411-427.

Heissler, Karin A. (2013): Rethinking ‘trafficking’ in children's migratory processes: the role of social networks in child labour migration in Bangladesh. In: Children's Geographies, 11(1), pp. 89-101.

Hobbs, Sandy & Jim McKechnie & Seonaid Anderson (2007): Making child employment in Britain more visible. In: Critical Social Policy 27(3), pp. 415-425.

Hungerland, Beatrice & Manfred Liebel & Anja Liesecke et al. (2007): Paths to participatory autonomy: The meanings of work for children in Germany. In: Childhood 14(2), pp. 257-277.

Invernizzi, Antonella (2003): Des enfants libérés de l’exploitation ou des enfants travailleurs doublement opprimés ? Positions et oppositions sur le travail des enfants. In: Déviance et Société, 27(4), pp. 459-481.

Invernizzi, Antonella (2003): Street-working children and adolescents in Lima: work as an agent of socialization. In: Childhood, 10(4), pp. 319-341.

Invernizzi, Antonella (2005): Perspectives on children’s work in the Algarve (Portugal) and their implication for social policy. In: Critical Social Policy, 25(2), pp. 198-222.

Invernizzi, Antonella (2007): Working children’s experiences and children’s rights. In: The UN Children's Rights Convention: theory meets practice. Antwerpen/Oxford: Intersentia, pp. 289-308.

Invernizzi, Antonella & Brian Milne (2002): Are children entitled to contribute to international policy making? A critical view of children’s participation in the international campaign for the elimination of child labour. In: International Journal of Children Rights, 10(4), pp. 403-431.

Invernizzi, Antonella & Manfred Liebel (2020): Working Children’s Movements. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia on Children and Childhood Studies. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, pp. 1676-1679.

Iversen, Vegard (2002): Autonomy in child labor migrants. In: World Development, 9(5), pp. 817–834.

IWGCL (1997): Have we asked the Children? Discussion Paper. Amsterdam: International Working Group on Child Labour.

IWGCL (1998): Working Children: Reconsidering the Debates: Report of the International Working Group on Child Labour. Amsterdam: Defence for Children International.

Jensen, Kari B.(2013): Space-time geography of female live-in child domestic workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh. In: Children's Geographies, 12(2), pp. 154-169.

Krafft, Caroline (2018): Is School the Best Route to Skills? Returns to Vocational School and Vocational Skills in Egypt. In: The Journal of Development Studies, 54(7), pp. 1100-1120.

Levison, Deborah (2000): Children as economic agents. In: Feminist Economics, 6(1), pp. 125–34.

Levison, Deborah & Marta Murray-Close (2005): Challenges in determining how child work affects child health. In: Public Health Reports, 120, pp. 1–12.

Liebel, Manfred (1996): What do working children want? In: envío. The Monthly Magazine of Analysis on Central America (Universidad Centroamericana, Managua), 15(175-176), pp. 34-38.

Liebel, Manfred (1998): When Children Organize and Want to Work. In: envío. The Monthly Magazine of Analysis on Central America (Universidad Centroamericana, Managua), 17(202), pp. 28-33.

Liebel, Manfred (2002): Child labour and the contribution of working children’s organisations in the Third World. In: International Review of Education, 48(3-4), pp. 265-270.

Liebel, Manfred (2003): Working children as social subjects: The contribution of working children's organizations to social transformation. In: Childhood, 10(3), pp. 265-85.

Liebel, Manfred (2003): Work and Unprotected Time of Children in Central European Countries. In: Young People in Europe. Milan: FrancoAngeli, pp. 163-183.

Liebel, Manfred (2007): Paternalism, Participation and Children’s Protagonism. In: Children, Youth and Environments, 17(3), pp. 56-73.

Liebel, Manfred (2007): The new ILO report on child labour: a success story, or the ILO still at loss? In: Childhood, 14(2), pp. 279-284.

Liebel, Manfred (2014): Bolivien geht neue Wege. Statt Kinderarbeit zu verbieten, werden die Rechte arbeitender Kinder geschützt. In: ila – Zeitschrift der Informationsstelle Lateinamerika, Heft 379, Oktober, S. 36-39.

Liebel, Manfred (2015): Protecting the Rights of Working Children instead of Banning Child Labour: Bolivia Tries a New Legislative Approach. In: The International Journal of Children’s Rights, 23(3), pp. 529-547.

Liebel, Manfred (2018): Die Internationale Arbeitsorganisation und die Bewegungen arbeitender Kinder. Ein Lehrstück über erzwungenes Schweigen. In: neue praxis, 48(1), S. 71-82.

Liebel, Manfred (2019): Wirtschaftliche und Arbeitsrechte von Kindern. Eine Herausforderung für die Kinderpolitik und Kinderrechtspraxis. In: neue praxis, 49(4), S. 344-359.

Liebel, Manfred (2020): Colonialism and the colonization of childhoods in the light of postcolonial theory. In: The Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Social Work. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 40-50.

Liebel, Manfred (2020): Afrikanische Kindheiten und die Herausforderung der Kinderrechte. In: Jenseits von Dichotomien. Aspekte von Geschichte, Gender und Kultur in Afrika und Europa / Beyond Dichotomies. Aspects of History, Gender and Culture in Africa and Europe. Berlin: LIT, pp. 257-275.

Liebel, Manfred & Antonella Invernizzi (2018): The Movements of Working Children and the International Labour Organization. A Lesson on Enforced Silence. In: Children & Society, 33(2), pp. 142-153.

Liebel, Manfred & Philip Meade & Iven Saadi (2012): Brauchen Kinder ein Recht zu arbeiten? Kindheitskonzepte und Kinderarbeit. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 62(43), S. 35-41.

Liebel, Manfred & Philip Meade & Iven Saadi (2017): Working Children as Subjects of Rights: Explaining Children’s Right to Work. In: Handbook of Children’s Rights. New York & London: Routledge, pp. 437-453.

MAEJT (2011): Protection of Mobile Children by Organized Children. Dakar: Jeuda 123, ENDA Tiers Monde.

Mahati, Stanford (2012): Children Learning Life Skills through Work: Evidence from the Lives of Unaccompanied Migrant Children Children in a South African Border Town. In: African Children at Work: Working and learning in growing up for life. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 249-277.

Mahati, Stanford (2012): The Representations of Unaccompanied Working Migrant Male Children Negotiating for Livelihoods in a South African Border Town. In: Negotiating Children’s and Youth Livelihoods In Africa’s Urban Spaces. Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 67-85.

Miljeteig, Per (2000): Creating partnership with working children and youth. Social Protection Discussion Paper Series, n° 0021. Washington D.C.: World Bank.

Milne, Brian (2010): The concept of childhood in history and theory considered in relation to contemporary debates about children's citizenship. Swansea/Wales: Thesis, Swansea University.

Morrow, Virginia (1995): Invisible children? Towards a reconceptualisation of childhood dependency and responsibility. In: Sociological Studies of Children, Volume 7, pp. 207-230.

Morrow, Virginia (1996): Rethinking childhood dependency: children's contributions to the domestic economy. In: Sociological Review, 44(1), pp. 58–77.

Morrow, Virginia (2010): Should the world really be free of ‘child labour’? Some reflections. Editorial. In: Childhood, 17(4), pp. 435-440.

Morrow, Virginia & Uma Vennam (2010): Combining work and school: the dynamics of girls’ involvement in agricultural work in Andhra Pradesh, India. In: Children and Society 27(4), pp. 258-269.

Morrow, Virginia & Uma Vennam (2012): Children’s responses to risk in agricultural work in Andhra Pradesh, India. In: Development in Practice, 22(4), pp. 549-561.

Myers, William (2001): Can children’s work and education be reconciled. In: International Journal of Educational Policy, Research and Practice, 2(3), pp. 307–330.

Nieuwenhuys, Olga (2008): Dem kolonialen Blick widerstehen. Globale Kinderarbeit und die neue politische Agenda. In: Kinder. Arbeit. Menschenwürde. Internationale Beiträge zu den Rechten arbeitender Kinder. Frankfurt a.M. & London: IKO, S. 17-41.

Nimbona, Godefroid (2005): Child Labour Organisations in Eastern Africa Still in the Making. In: Studying Child Labour: Policy implications of child-centred research. Amsterdam: IREWOC, pp. 27-29.

Nimbona, Godefroid & Kristoffel Lieten (2007): Child Labour Unions: AEJT Senegal. Amsterdam: IREWOC, 2007.

O’Kane, Claire (2002): Marginalised Children as Social Actors for Social Justice in South Asia. In: British Journal of Social Work, 32, pp. 697-710.

O’Kane, Claire (2003): Street and Working Children’s Participation in Programming for their Rights: Conflicts Arising from Diverse Perspectives and Directions for Convergence. In: Children, Youth and Environments, 13(1).

O’Kane, Claire (2007): Supporting the Development of Children’s Groups and Networks in Afghanistan: Reflections on Practice and Possibilities. In: Child Youth and Environments, 17(1), pp. 222-236.

Panicker, Rita & Claire O’Kane (2000): What Accounts for Success in Developing Children’s Organizations: Our Experiences and Reflections from Butterflies Programme of Street and Working Children. New Delhi: Butterflies.

Peleg, Noam (2018): Illusion of inclusion: challenging universalistic conceptions in international children’s rights law. In: Australian Journal of Human Rights, 24(3), pp. 326-344.

Robson, Elsbeth (2004): Children at work in rural Nigeria: Patterns of age, space and gender. In: Journal of Rural Studies, 20(2), pp. 193–210.

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Sainz Prestel, P. I. (2008): Changing their lives: The working children's movement in Bolivia. The Hague: Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Graduate School of Development Studies.

Sano, Atsushi (2012): Agency and resilience in the sex trade: Adolescent girls in rural Indramayu. In: The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 13(1), pp. 21–35.

Sanz, Andrés (1997): From Kundapur to Geneva: The International Coordination of Working Children. In: NATs – Working Children and Adolescents International Review, 3(3-4), 1997, pp. 11-23.

Schibotto, Giangi & Alejandro Cussiánovich (1994): Working Children: Constructing an Identity. Lima: MANTHOC.

Serpell, Robert (2011): Social responsibility as a dimension of intelligence, and as an educational goal: insights from programmatic research in an African society. In: Child Development Perspectives, 5(2), pp. 126-133.

Sharma, Alakh N. & Rajeev Sharma & Nikhil Raj (2000): The Impact of Social Labelling on Child Labour in India’s Carpet Industry. Institute for Human Development, ILO/IPEC Working Paper, New Delhi.

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Sheppard, Lindsay C. & Rebecca Raby & Wolfgang Lehmann & Riley Easterbrook (2019): Grill guys and drive-thru girls: Discourses of gender in young people’s park-time work. In: Journal of Childhood Studies, 44(3), pp. 56-69.

Shier, Harry (2010): Children as Public Actors: Navigating the Tensions. In: Children & Society, 24(1), pp. 24-37.

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Taft, Jessica K. (2015): "Adults talk too much": Intergenerational power and dialogue in the Peruvian movement of working children. In: Childhood, 22(4), pp. 460-473.

Taft, Jessica K. & Alejandro Cussianovich (2018): Feminist Intuitions in Peru’s Movement of Working Children: A Dialogue between Alejandro Cussianovich and Jessica Taft. In: Feminism and the Politics of Childhood. London: University College London Press, pp. 257-260.

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Van Daalen, Edward & Karl Hanson & Olga Nieuwenhuys (2016): Children’s Rights as Living Rights. The Case of Street Children and a new Law in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In: International Journal of Children’s Rights, 24(4), pp. 803-825.

Van Daalen, Edward & Nicolas Mabillard (2018): Human rights in translation: Bolivia’s law 584, working children’s movements, and the global child labour regime. In: The International Journal of Human Rights, 26(4), pp. 596-614.

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Aktualisiert/Updated/Actualizado/Mise à jour: 16.06.2021