Academic articles

ProNATs points to academic articles on the topics of "child labour", working children, children's movements and children's rights, some of which are available for download. They are suitable for use in higher education.

Abebe, Tatek (2008): Ethiopian Childhoods: A Case Study of the Lives of Orphans and Working Children. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Abebe, Tatek & Sharon Bessell (2011): Dominant discourses, debates and silences on child labour in Africa and Asia. In: Third World Quarterly, 32(4), pp. 765-786.

Ashraf, Shahid (2001): Children Labourers Without Alternatives. In:Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, 3, hrsg. von der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, S. 301-309.

Aufseeser, Dena (2014): Alternative spaces of learning: Street children’s experiences negotiating education and labor in Peru. In: Geographies of Informal Learning. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 112-123.

Aufseeser, Dena (2014): “Protecting” street children? Urban revitalization and regulation in Lima, Peru. In: Urban Geography, 35(6), pp. 870-888.

Aufseeser, Dena (2014): Protection, control and rights: An in-depth look at Peru’s Begging Bill. In: International Journal of Children’s Rights, 22(2), pp. 241-267.

Aufseeser, Dena (2014): The problems of child labor and education in Peru: A critical analysis of universal approaches to youth development. In: A Critical Youth Studies for the 21st Century. Leiden: Brill, pp. 181-195.

Aufseeser, Dena (2015): Street children and everyday violence. In: Geographies of Children and Young People, Vol. 11. Conflict Violence and Peace. Singapore: Springer. 2015.

Bessell, Sharon (2009): Indonesian Children's Views and Experiences of Work and Poverty. In: Social Policy and Society, 8(4), pp. 527-540.

Bessell, Sharon (2011): Influencing International Child Labour Policy: The Potential and Limits of Children-Centred Research. In: Children and Youth Services Review, 33(4), pp. 564-568.

Betz, Joachim (2001): Die Fragwürdigkeit von Sozialsiegeln: Kinderarbeit im indischen Teppichsektor. In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, 3, hrsg. von der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, S. 310-321.

Bhima Sangha & the Makkala Panchayats & Concerned for Working Children (2003): Bhima Sangha and the Makkala Panchayats: Chroniclers of Our Own Histories. Bangalore, India: Concerned for Working Children.

Bourdillon, Michael (2006): Children and work: a review of current literature and debates. In: Development and Change, 37(6), pp. 1201-1226.

Bourdillon, Michael (2006): Violence Against Working Children: A Report on Recent Research Relating to Work that is Harmful to Children. Stockholm: Save the Children.

Bourdillon, Michael (2007): Child domestic workers in Zimbabwe: children's perspectives. In: Working to be Someone: Child Focused Research and Practice with Working Children. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 55-65.

Bourdillon, Michael (2009): Children as domestic employees: Problems and promises. In: Journal of Children and Poverty, 15(1), pp. 1-18.

Bourdillon, Michael (2009): 'Child labour’ in Southern Africa. In: Werkwinkel, 4(1), pp. 17-36.

Bourdillon, Michael (2010): Child labour and tea in Zimbabwe. In: International Journal of Anthropology, 25(3-4), pp. 211-219.

Bourdillon, Michael (2010): Should child labour be outlawed? In: South African Labour Bulletin, 34(4), pp. 69-71.

Bourdillon, Michael (2013): Children's Work. In: Handbook of Child Well-Being. Theories, Methods and Policies in Global Perspective. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 824-861.

Bourdillon, Michael (2016): Labor as education. In: Laboring and Learning. In: Geographies of Children and Young People, vol. 10. Singapore: Springer, pp. 91-110.

Bourdillon, Michael & Richard Carothers (2019): Policy on Children’s Work and Labour. In: Children & Society, 33(4), pp. 387-395.

Bourdillon, Michael & William Myers & Ben White (2009): Reassessing working children and minimum-age standards. In: International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 29(3/4), pp. 106-117.

Bourdillon, Michael & Eve Musvosvi (2014): What can children’s rights mean when children are struggling to survive? The Case of Chiweshe, Zimbabwe. In: Children’s Lives in an Era of Children’s Rights: The Progress of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Africa. London: Routledge, pp. 105-122.

Carothers, Richard (2015): Recognizing and Supporting Working Children through Microfinance Programming. In: Enterprise Development and Microfinance, Practical Action Publishing, 26(2), pp. 177-194.

Carothers, Richard & Curtis Breslin & Jennifer Denomy & Mamdouh Foad (2010): Promoting occupational safety and health for working children through microfinance programming. In: International Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health, 16(2), pp. 164-74.

Carothers, Richard & Richard Rinehart & Eric V. Edmonds (2010): Crossfire: MFI’s are a good mechanism to address issues of children’s work (child labour) and contribute positively to the well-being of children. In: Enterprise Development and Microfinance, Practical Action Publishing, 21(4), pp. 177-194.

Cheney, Kristen E. (2018): Decolonizing Childhood Studies: Overcoming Patriarchy and Prejudice in Child-Related Research and Practice. In: Reimagining Childhood Studies. London & New York: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 91-104.

Cockburn, John & Benoit Dostie (2007): Child Work and Schooling: The Role of Household Asset Profiles and Poverty in Rural Ethiopia. In: Journal of African Economies, 16, pp. 519-563.

Collins, Tara (2014): The Relationship between Children’s Rights and Business. In: International Journal of Human Rights, 18(6), pp. 582-633.

Cordero Arce, Matías (2015): Maturing Children’s Rights Theory: From children, with children, of children. In: International Journal of Children’s Rights, 25(1), pp. 283-331.

Cunningham, Hugh (1990): The Employment and Unemployment of Children in England c.1680–1851. In: Past & Present, 126(1), pp. 115-150.

Cussiánovich, Alejandro & Ana María Márquez (2002): Toward a Protagonist Participation of Boys, Girls and Teenagers. Lima, Peru: Save the Children Sweden.

Cussiánovich, Alejandro & Moisés Bazán Novoa (2009): The Experience of Self-Organisation: What Is This Thing Called Participation? Cochabamba, Bolivia: Terre des Hommes.

Dahlén, Marianne (2007): The Negotiable Child. The ILO Child Labour Campaign 1919-1973. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet.

Deutscher Bundestag – 14. Wahlperiode (2000): Bericht der Bundesregierung über Kinderarbeit in Deutschland. Drucksache 14/3500. Bonn: Bundesanzeiger.

Dougnon, Isaie (2011): Child trafficking or labor migration? A historical perspective from Mali’s Dogon country. In: Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development, 2(1), pp. 85-105.

Duque-Páramo, Maria (2013). Investigación con Niños sobre sus Voces y Experiencias. Intencionalidades, Conceptos, Aspectos Éticos y Métodos. In: Salud Colectiva. Perspectivas Teóricas y Metodológicas. Bogotá: Editorial, pp. 99-138.

Dyson, Jane (2008): Harvesting Identities: Youth, Work, and Gender in the Indian Himalayas. In: Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 98(1), pp. 160-179.

Dyson, Jane (2010): Friendship in practice: Girls’ work in the Indian Himalayas. In: American Ethnologist, 37(3), pp. 482-498.

Easterbrook, Riley & Rebecca Raby & Wolfgang Lehmann (2020): Navigating babysitting as liminal, gendered, and undervalued work. In: Childhood,

Enda (Ed.) (1997): Working children and youth of West Africa get organised. Dakar: Enda Tiers Monde Jeunesse Action / mimeo.

Enda (2001): Voice of African Children: Work, Strength, and Organisation of Working Children and Youth. Occasional Paper 217. Dakar: ENDA Tiers Monde.

Gankam Tambo, Ina & Manfred Liebel (2020): Children as Domestic Workers. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia on Children and Childhood Studies. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, pp. 679-682.

Giri, Birendra R. (2007): An Autobiography of Child Work: A Reflexive Account.. In: Childhoods Today, 1(2), pp. 1-21.

Grover, Sonja (2002): Why Aren’t These Youngsters In School? Meeting Canada’s Charter Obligations to Disadvantaged Adolescents. In: The International Journal of Children’s Rights, 10(1), pp. 1-37.

Grover, Sonja (2007): Children as Chattel of the State: Deconstructing the concept of sex trafficking. In: The International Journal of Human Rights, 11(3), pp. 291-305.

Grover, Sonja (2013): Child Soldiers as Victims of ‘Genocidal Forcible Transfer’: Darfur and Syria as Case Examples. In: International Journal of Human Rights, 17(3), pp. 411-427.

Heissler, Karin A. (2013): Rethinking ‘trafficking’ in children's migratory processes: the role of social networks in child labour migration in Bangladesh. In: Children's Geographies, 11(1), pp. 89-101.

Hobbs, Sandy & Jim McKechnie & Seonaid Anderson (2007): Making child employment in Britain more visible. In: Critical Social Policy 27(3), pp. 415-425.

Hungerland, Beatrice & Manfred Liebel & Anja Liesecke et al. (2007): Paths to participatory autonomy: The meanings of work for children in Germany. In: Childhood 14(2), pp. 257-277.

Invernizzi, Antonella (2003): Des enfants libérés de l’exploitation ou des enfants travailleurs doublement opprimés ? Positions et oppositions sur le travail des enfants. In: Déviance et Société, 27(4), pp. 459-481.

Invernizzi, Antonella (2003): Street-working children and adolescents in Lima: work as an agent of socialization. In: Childhood, 10(4), pp. 319-341.

Invernizzi, Antonella (2005): Perspectives on children’s work in the Algarve (Portugal) and their implication for social policy. In: Critical Social Policy, 25(2), pp. 198-222.

Invernizzi, Antonella (2007): Working children’s experiences and children’s rights. In: The UN Children's Rights Convention: theory meets practice. Antwerpen/Oxford: Intersentia, pp. 289-308.

Invernizzi, Antonella & Brian Milne (2002): Are children entitled to contribute to international policy making? A critical view of children’s participation in the international campaign for the elimination of child labour. In: International Journal of Children Rights, 10(4), pp. 403-431.

Invernizzi, Antonella & Manfred Liebel (2020): Working Children’s Movements. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia on Children and Childhood Studies. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, pp. 1676-1679.

Iversen, Vegard (2002): Autonomy in child labor migrants. In: World Development, 9(5), pp. 817–834.

IWGCL (1997): Have we asked the Children? Discussion Paper. Amsterdam: International Working Group on Child Labour.

IWGCL (1998): Working Children: Reconsidering the Debates: Report of the International Working Group on Child Labour. Amsterdam: Defence for Children International.

Jensen, Kari B.(2013): Space-time geography of female live-in child domestic workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh. In: Children's Geographies, 12(2), pp. 154-169.

Krafft, Caroline (2018): Is School the Best Route to Skills? Returns to Vocational School and Vocational Skills in Egypt. In: The Journal of Development Studies, 54(7), pp. 1100-1120.

Levison, Deborah (2000): Children as economic agents. In: Feminist Economics, 6(1), pp. 125–34.

Levison, Deborah & Marta Murray-Close (2005): Challenges in determining how child work affects child health. In: Public Health Reports, 120, pp. 1–12.

Liebel, Manfred (1996): What do working children want? In: envío. The Monthly Magazine of Analysis on Central America (Universidad Centroamericana, Managua), 15(175-176), pp. 34-38.

Liebel, Manfred (1998): When Children Organize and Want to Work. In: envío. The Monthly Magazine of Analysis on Central America (Universidad Centroamericana, Managua), 17(202), pp. 28-33.

Liebel, Manfred (2002): Child labour and the contribution of working children’s organisations in the Third World. In: International Review of Education, 48(3-4), pp. 265-270.

Liebel, Manfred (2003): Working children as social subjects: The contribution of working children's organizations to social transformation. In: Childhood, 10(3), pp. 265-85.

Liebel, Manfred (2003): Work and Unprotected Time of Children in Central European Countries. In: Young People in Europe. Milan: FrancoAngeli, pp. 163-183.

Liebel, Manfred (2007): Paternalism, Participation and Children’s Protagonism. In: Children, Youth and Environments, 17(3), pp. 56-73.

Liebel, Manfred (2007): The new ILO report on child labour: a success story, or the ILO still at loss? In: Childhood, 14(2), pp. 279-284.

Liebel, Manfred (2014): Bolivien geht neue Wege. Statt Kinderarbeit zu verbieten, werden die Rechte arbeitender Kinder geschützt. In: ila – Zeitschrift der Informationsstelle Lateinamerika, Heft 379, Oktober, S. 36-39.

Liebel, Manfred (2015): Protecting the Rights of Working Children instead of Banning Child Labour: Bolivia Tries a New Legislative Approach. In: The International Journal of Children’s Rights, 23(3), pp. 529-547.

Liebel, Manfred (2018): Die Internationale Arbeitsorganisation und die Bewegungen arbeitender Kinder. Ein Lehrstück über erzwungenes Schweigen. In: neue praxis, 48(1), S. 71-82.

Liebel, Manfred (2019): Wirtschaftliche und Arbeitsrechte von Kindern. Eine Herausforderung für die Kinderpolitik und Kinderrechtspraxis. In: neue praxis, 49(4), S. 344-359.

Liebel, Manfred (2020): Colonialism and the colonization of childhoods in the light of postcolonial theory. In: The Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Social Work. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 40-50.

Liebel, Manfred (2020): Afrikanische Kindheiten und die Herausforderung der Kinderrechte. In: Jenseits von Dichotomien. Aspekte von Geschichte, Gender und Kultur in Afrika und Europa / Beyond Dichotomies. Aspects of History, Gender and Culture in Africa and Europe. Berlin: LIT, pp. 257-275.

Liebel, Manfred & Antonella Invernizzi (2018): The Movements of Working Children and the International Labour Organization. A Lesson on Enforced Silence. In: Children & Society, 33(2), pp. 142-153.

Liebel, Manfred & Philip Meade & Iven Saadi (2012): Brauchen Kinder ein Recht zu arbeiten? Kindheitskonzepte und Kinderarbeit. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 62(43), S. 35-41.

Liebel, Manfred & Philip Meade & Iven Saadi (2017): Working Children as Subjects of Rights: Explaining Children’s Right to Work. In: Handbook of Children’s Rights. New York & London: Routledge, pp. 437-453.

MAEJT (2011): Protection of Mobile Children by Organized Children. Dakar: Jeuda 123, ENDA Tiers Monde.

Mahati, Stanford (2012): Children Learning Life Skills through Work: Evidence from the Lives of Unaccompanied Migrant Children Children in a South African Border Town. In: African Children at Work: Working and learning in growing up for life. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 249-277.

Mahati, Stanford (2012): The Representations of Unaccompanied Working Migrant Male Children Negotiating for Livelihoods in a South African Border Town. In: Negotiating Children’s and Youth Livelihoods In Africa’s Urban Spaces. Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 67-85.

Miljeteig, Per (2000): Creating partnership with working children and youth. Social Protection Discussion Paper Series, n° 0021. Washington D.C.: World Bank.

Milne, Brian (2010): The concept of childhood in history and theory considered in relation to contemporary debates about children's citizenship. Swansea/Wales: Thesis, Swansea University.

Morrow, Virginia (1995): Invisible children? Towards a reconceptualisation of childhood dependency and responsibility. In: Sociological Studies of Children, Volume 7, pp. 207-230.

Morrow, Virginia (1996): Rethinking childhood dependency: children's contributions to the domestic economy. In: Sociological Review, 44(1), pp. 58–77.

Morrow, Virginia (2010): Should the world really be free of ‘child labour’? Some reflections. Editorial. In: Childhood, 17(4), pp. 435-440.

Morrow, Virginia & Uma Vennam (2010): Combining work and school: the dynamics of girls’ involvement in agricultural work in Andhra Pradesh, India. In: Children and Society 27(4), pp. 258-269.

Morrow, Virginia & Uma Vennam (2012): Children’s responses to risk in agricultural work in Andhra Pradesh, India. In: Development in Practice, 22(4), pp. 549-561.

Myers, William (2001): Can children’s work and education be reconciled. In: International Journal of Educational Policy, Research and Practice, 2(3), pp. 307–330.

Nieuwenhuys, Olga (2008): Dem kolonialen Blick widerstehen. Globale Kinderarbeit und die neue politische Agenda. In: Kinder. Arbeit. Menschenwürde. Internationale Beiträge zu den Rechten arbeitender Kinder. Frankfurt a.M. & London: IKO, S. 17-41.

Nimbona, Godefroid (2005): Child Labour Organisations in Eastern Africa Still in the Making. In: Studying Child Labour: Policy implications of child-centred research. Amsterdam: IREWOC, pp. 27-29.

Nimbona, Godefroid & Kristoffel Lieten (2007): Child Labour Unions: AEJT Senegal. Amsterdam: IREWOC, 2007.

O’Kane, Claire (2002): Marginalised Children as Social Actors for Social Justice in South Asia. In: British Journal of Social Work, 32, pp. 697-710.

O’Kane, Claire (2003): Street and Working Children’s Participation in Programming for their Rights: Conflicts Arising from Diverse Perspectives and Directions for Convergence. In: Children, Youth and Environments, 13(1).

O’Kane, Claire (2007): Supporting the Development of Children’s Groups and Networks in Afghanistan: Reflections on Practice and Possibilities. In: Child Youth and Environments, 17(1), pp. 222-236.

Panicker, Rita & Claire O’Kane (2000): What Accounts for Success in Developing Children’s Organizations: Our Experiences and Reflections from Butterflies Programme of Street and Working Children. New Delhi: Butterflies.

Peleg, Noam (2018): Illusion of inclusion: challenging universalistic conceptions in international children’s rights law. In: Australian Journal of Human Rights, 24(3), pp. 326-344.

Robson, Elsbeth (2004): Children at work in rural Nigeria: Patterns of age, space and gender. In: Journal of Rural Studies, 20(2), pp. 193–210.

Rodgers, Diane M. (2005): Children as Social Movement Participants. In: Sociological Studies of Children and Youth. Vol. 11. Bingley, UK: Emerald, pp. 239–259.

Sainz Prestel, P. I. (2008): Changing their lives: The working children's movement in Bolivia. The Hague: Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Graduate School of Development Studies.

Sano, Atsushi (2012): Agency and resilience in the sex trade: Adolescent girls in rural Indramayu. In: The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 13(1), pp. 21–35.

Sanz, Andrés (1997): From Kundapur to Geneva: The International Coordination of Working Children. In: NATs – Working Children and Adolescents International Review, 3(3-4), 1997, pp. 11-23.

Schibotto, Giangi & Alejandro Cussiánovich (1994): Working Children: Constructing an Identity. Lima: MANTHOC.

Serpell, Robert (2011): Social responsibility as a dimension of intelligence, and as an educational goal: insights from programmatic research in an African society. In: Child Development Perspectives, 5(2), pp. 126-133.

Sharma, Alakh N. & Rajeev Sharma & Nikhil Raj (2000): The Impact of Social Labelling on Child Labour in India’s Carpet Industry. Institute for Human Development, ILO/IPEC Working Paper, New Delhi.

Sharp, Lesley A. (1996): The work ideology of Malagasy children: Schooling and survival in urban Madascar. In: Anthropology of Work Review, 17(1-2), pp. 36–42.

Sheppard, Lindsay C. & Rebecca Raby & Wolfgang Lehmann & Riley Easterbrook (2019): Grill guys and drive-thru girls: Discourses of gender in young people’s park-time work. In: Journal of Childhood Studies, 44(3), pp. 56-69.

Shier, Harry (2010): Children as Public Actors: Navigating the Tensions. In: Children & Society, 24(1), pp. 24-37.

Swift, Anthony (1999): Working Children Get Organised. London: International Save the Children Alliance.

Taft, Jessica K. (2015): "Adults talk too much": Intergenerational power and dialogue in the Peruvian movement of working children. In: Childhood, 22(4), pp. 460-473.

Taft, Jessica K. & Alejandro Cussianovich (2018): Feminist Intuitions in Peru’s Movement of Working Children: A Dialogue between Alejandro Cussianovich and Jessica Taft. In: Feminism and the Politics of Childhood. London: University College London Press, pp. 257-260.

Thorsen, Dorte (2012): [...]. Evidence from West and Central Africa. Briefing Paper No. 1-5. Dakar: UNICEF West and Central Africa Regional Office.

Thorsen, Dorte (2013): Weaving in and out of employment and self-employment: young rural migrants in the informal economy of Ouagadougou. In: International Development Planning Review, 35(2), pp. 203-218.

Tienda, Marta (1979): The Economic Activity of Children in Peru: Labor Force Behavior in Rural and Urban Contexts. In: Rural Sociology, 44(2), pp. 370-391.

Thomas, Nigel (2007): Towards a theory of children’s participation. In: International Journal of Children’s Rights, 15(2), pp. 199-218.

Tosello, Ilaria, (2014): Los movimientos de niños y niñas y adolescentes trabajadores: otra perspectiva del trabajo infantil. In: Ensayos de cooperación internacional para el desarrollo 7. Santander: Cátedra de Cooperación Internacional y con Iberoamérica - Universidad de Cantabria, pp. 100-123.

Touré, Marema (1998): A case study of the work of ENDA in Senegal in supporting the Association of Child and Young Workers. In: Old Enough to Work, Old Enough to Have a Say: Different Approaches to Supporting Working Children. Stockholm: Rädda Barnen/Save the Children, pp. 179-200.

Van Daalen, Edward & Karl Hanson & Olga Nieuwenhuys (2016): Children’s Rights as Living Rights. The Case of Street Children and a new Law in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In: International Journal of Children’s Rights, 24(4), pp. 803-825.

Van Daalen, Edward & Nicolas Mabillard (2018): Human rights in translation: Bolivia’s law 584, working children’s movements, and the global child labour regime. In: The International Journal of Human Rights, 26(4), pp. 596-614.

Van den Berge, Marten (2007): Working Children’s Organisations in Bolivia. Amsterdam: IREWOC.

Van den Berge, Marten (2007): Working Children’s Organisations in Peru. Amsterdam: IREWOC.

White, Ben (1994): Children, work and child labour: Changing responses to the employment of children. In: Development and Change, 25(4), pp. 854-861.

White, Ben (2012): Agriculture and the generation problem: rural youth, employment and the future of farming. In: IDS Bulletin, 43(6), pp. 9-19.

White, Ben & Lidewyde Berckmoes (2014): Youth, farming and precarity in rural Burundi. In: European Journal of Development Research, 26(2), pp. 190-203.

Woodhead, Martin (1998): Children's perspectives on their working lives: a participatory study in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, The Philippines, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua. Stockholm: Radda Barnen.

Woodhead, Martin (1999): Combatting child labour: listen to what the children say. In: Childhood, 6(1), pp. 27-49.

Woodhead, Martin (1999): Is there a place for work in child development? Stockholm: Save the Children.

Woodhead, Martin (2001): The value of work and school: a study of working children's perspectives. In: Child Labour: Policy Options. Amsterdam: Aksant Academic, pp. 103–116.

Woodhead, Martin (2004): Psychosocial impacts of child work: A framework for research, monitoring and intervention. In: International Journal of Children’s Rights, 12(4), pp. 321-377.

Aktualisiert/Updated/Actualizado/Mise à jour: 16.06.2021