Newsletter & brochure
Subscribe to our newsletter
With ProNATs NEWS we report specifically on events, developments and experiences concerning "child labour", working children and children's rights. We give a voice to the initiatives of working children who have formed their own social movements in…
Order brochure
In March 2008 the brochure published by ProNATs e.V. and the Christliche Initiative Romero e.V. was released: "'We are not the problem, but part of the solution!' - Working children between exploitation and self-determination". It can be ordered here…
Newsletter archive
For two years ProNATs published a printed newsletter. After that it was replaced by the electronic newsletter. Here you can download the old issues.
Children's newsletters
Several movements of working children and youth (or their support organisations) publish their own newsletters, in electronic or print form. Their aim is to draw attention to their situation and their demands. Some of the electronic newsletters can…