Web links

ProNATs links to children's movements worldwide, to their support organisations, to child rights networks and to ProNATs partner organisations on the Internet.

Movements of working children and youth

Children's movements in Latin America

MOLACNATS, the Latin American and Caribbean movement of working children and youth
Website: https://molacnats.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/molacnats
Twitter: https://twitter.com/molacnats
Mail I:
Mail II:
Mail III:

MNNATSOP, coalition of the movements of working children and youth in Peru
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mnnatsop
Blog: http://mnnatsop-natsperu.blogspot.com

MANTHOC, one of the oldest movements of working children and youth (from Peru)
Website: https://www.manthoc.org.pe
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MANTHOC
Mail I:
Mail II:

MANTHOC LIMA, a movement of working children and youth from Lima, Peru
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/manthoc.lima.71

UNATSBO, the movement of working children and youth in Bolivia
Facebook I: https://www.facebook.com/bolivia.unatsbo
Facebook II: https://www.facebook.com/colaboracion.unatsbo
Facebook III: https://www.facebook.com/people/Unatsbo-Bolivia/100004796954744

CONNATSOP, a movement of working children and youth from Potosí, Bolivia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/connatsop.bolivia

TAYPINATS, a movement of working children and youth from La Paz, Bolivia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/taypinats.lapaz

ONATSCO, a movement of working children and youth from Cochabamba, Bolivia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onatsco.organizacion

MONATSCRUZ, a movement of working children and youth from Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010143123787

CORENATS, the movement of working children and youth in Venezuela
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CorenatsVenezuela

CONNATS, the movement of working children and youth in Paraguay
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/connats.comunicacion
Twitter: https://twitter.com/connats_py

Asamblea Revelde, a movement of working children from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Asamblea-Revelde-1037169403065974/

Children's movements in Africa

MAEJT/AMWCY, the African movement of working children and youth:
Website: https://www.maejt.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mouvement.Africain

Children's movements in Asia

Currently, the Asian movements of working children and youth can only be reached via the websites of their support organisations. These include:
VIDIYAL: http://vidiyal-children.org
YAVA: https://yuvaindia.org
MUSKAAN: http://www.muskaan.org 
PRAAJAK: https://www.praajak.org
MJAS: http://mjas.weebly.com
SHAISHAV: http://shaishavchildrights.org
CHETNA: https://chetnango.org
BHIMA SANGHA: https://www.concernedforworkingchildren.org/empowering-children/childrens-unions

Partner organisations of ProNATs from Europe


An association of European organisations working for the rights of working children and youth worldwide. EuropaNATS brings together ItaliaNATS (Italy), Equomercato (Italy), Little Hands (Italy), BélgicaNATs (Belgium), PRONATs (Spain), La Voix des Enfants (France), Peruanim (France) and ProNATs (Germany).
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Europa.NATs
Website: https://europanatsforo.wixsite.com/politicasinfancia (currently not updated)

PRONATs España

A solidarity committee which, since the end of the 1990s, has been dedicated to accompanying, understanding and researching the processes of protagonist participation emanating from the movements of working children and youth.
Website: http://enclavedeevaluacion.com/pronatsesp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PRONATsEspana
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PRONATsEspana


A Belgian association from Brussels, founded in 2009, brings together volunteers around the issue of child labour. It was created to support the movements of working children and youth and is part of EuropaNATs.
Website: http://www.belgicannats.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/www.belgicannats.org
YouTube-Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXbK7Ep66gshIIxBvgHm3QQ


An association of Italian solidarity groups, non-governmental organisations and individuals who, like ProNATs, support the movements of working children in Africa, Asia and Latin America, particularly through public relations work. ItaliaNats was instrumental in supporting the organisation of the III. World Meeting of Movements of Working Children and Youth in Siena (Italy) in 2006.
ItaliaNats is currently inactive.


An Italian fair trade import organisation that also included products from self-organised cooperatives of working children and youth in Latin America, Asia and Africa in its range and sells them mainly through world shops in Italy. Equomercato was a member of ItaliaNats.
Website: https://www.equomercato.it
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/equomercato
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPQPCyHZvvuyHkQSDLafbIw

Little Hands

A project originally launched by EquoMercato and ItaliaNats, but now independent, to support the solidarity economies of the Movements of Working Children and Youth (MBAL). On the one hand, it specialises in the distribution of products made by children and youths under decent working conditions. On the other hand, it carries out information and public relations work in Italy for the children's movements, which it considers to be an active part of the worldwide network of solidarity economies.
Website: https://www.littlehands.it
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/littlehandsIT
Twitter: https://twitter.com/littlehandsIT
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/littlehandsit

Enfants actifs

A French organisation supporting politically active children and youth, including the movements of working children in the Global South.
Website: http://www.enfants-actifs.org (currently inactive)

Christian Initiative Romero - CIR

An independent, non-profit association that promotes development cooperation, especially with Central American countries, and is committed to campaigning and educating for a fair economic system in which people can work under dignified conditions and companies act in a socially and ecologically responsible manner. The association's name, Oscar Romero, was given to a liberation theologian from El Salvador whose murder in 1980 triggered a civil war that lasted for years.
Website: https://www.ci-romero.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ci.romero
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CI_Romero
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/romeroinitiative
YouTube-Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/user/CIR48149/videos
RSS-Feed: https://www.ci-romero.de/feed

German NGO Forum on Child Labour

A network of non-governmental organisations which advocates a differentiated assessment of child labour and the comprehensive participation of working children in international organisations Its members include terre des hommes, Kindernothilfe, Brot für die Welt, DGB-Bildungswerk e.V./Nord-Süd-Netzwerk, Werkstatt Ökonomie e.V. and ProNATs e.V.
The Forum Child Labour ceased its work in January 2010.

WÖK - Workshop Economy

A non-profit organisation that has been committed to economic, social and ecological justice worldwide for over 30 years. It makes unjust structures visible, opens up - together with others - spaces for political commitment, works to eliminate grievances and offers options for action. The aim is a systemic transformation of lifestyles and economic systems in Germany as a contribution to a culture of sustainability in global responsibility.
Website: https://www.woek.de

Clean Clothes Campaign

A network that campaigns for workers' rights in the supply chains of the international fashion industry. Its aim is to promote an improvement in working and living conditions for workers in the textile, sports, shoe & leather industries worldwide.
Website (German): https://saubere-kleidung.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saubere.kleidung
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sauberekleidung
YouTube-Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/user/SaubereKleidungD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sauberekleidung
Website (English): https://cleanclothes.org

KinderKulturKarawane (ChildrenCultureCaravan)

Every year, young cultural groups from countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America come to Germany for the KinderKulturKarawane. The groups present their artistic productions from the fields of dance, theatre, music and circus in schools, youth and cultural centres and at festivals. They also give workshops in which they teach artistic methods. In their performances, the young artists present their talents and address personal experiences and problems that influence their everyday lives.
Website: https://kinderkulturkarawane.de
Facebook: https://de-de.facebook.com/pages/category/Non-Governmental-Organization--NGO-/KinderKulturKarawane-145216695504118
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/klimaretter.hamburg
YouTube-Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA5rNY-JJR6YKY3AKfNEOgQ

International Forum in Solidarity with Working Children

A worldwide support network of organisations and individuals working in solidarity with children and youth movements. The aim of the international forum is to accompany and structurally support the world movement of working children and youth, which is in constant development.
The International Forum is currently inactive.

Partner organisations of ProNATs from Africa

Enda Tiers Monde - Jeunesse Action

An international non-governmental organisation based in Dakar (Senegal). active in community development, environmental protection and development cooperation. It was instrumental in establishing the umbrella organisation of the movements of working children and youth in Africa, MAEJT/AMWCY. Enda continues to support the spread of the movement in 22 African countries to date, as well as the networking of these. Enda publishes a regular newsletter, now with over 200 issues.
Website: http://www.enda.sn
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/endajeunesseaction

Partner organisations of ProNATs from Asia

CWC (Concerned for Working Children)

A support organisation set up in Bangalore (India) for the movements and initiatives of working children and youth in India and other Asian countries. CWC runs "Nammabhoomi", an education and training centre for working children, "Dhruva - enabling adults and empowering children", a counselling and training project for adults who want to promote the participation of children, and "Namma Angadi", a shop in the city of Bangalore selling products made by the children. CWC was nominated for the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize.
Website: http://www.concernedforworkingchildren.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/workingchildren
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concerned_for_Working_Children
Mail I:
Mail II:


Similar to CWC, Butterflies supports the movements of working children and youth, mainly in Northern India, around Delhi, where Butterflies organises meeting points for children living and working on the streets. Butterflies also maintains several emergency shelters and street schools as well as a "Resilience Centre". Butterflies was instrumental in developing the "Children's Development Bank", a bank run by children which has spread worldwide.
Website: https://www.butterflieschildrights.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Butterfliesngo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/butterflies_in
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCmnkRhxTdwOsZlCpknxFJA
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterflies_India

Partner organisations of ProNATs from Latin America


An institute for the training of supporters of the movements of working children and youth in Latin America, based in Lima (Peru). Ifejant has been the editor of the journal "Nats Revista" since 1995 and offers the course "Infancia y familia" at the state university "Nacional Federico Villarreal" as a classroom and distance learning course.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Ifejant-Ifejant-Ifejant/100002097532231
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ifejant


A (training) institute from Lima (Peru), which is directly dedicated to supporting the Peruvian movement of working children and youth, MNNATSOP, and doing public relations work. The non-profit organisation is committed to building a society in which children are recognised and considered as agents of change.
Website: https://www.infant.org.pe
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/infant.peru


A project from Asunción (Paraguay) with several institutions in different places, which is mainly concerned with the educational opportunities of working and non-working children and youth and supports them in standing up for their rights.
Website: http://www.callescuela.org
Facebook: https://de-de.facebook.com/Callescuela-536980796373902
Twitter: https://twitter.com/callescuela


Generación promotes and protects the rights of children and youth who have experience with life on the street. It has been working in this field on a private level for more than 30 years, maintains several institutions in the greater Lima area and also provides direct support on the street (street workers).
Website: https://www.welthaus.de/auslandsprojekte/peru/strassenkinderprojekt-generacion

Melel Xojobal A.C.

A social organization that works with indigenous children and youth in Chiapas, Mexico, in the promotion, defense and exercise of their rights, through participatory processes and to improve their quality of life.
Website: https://www.melelxojobal.org.mx
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melelxojobal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/melelxojobal

Encuentro Niñez y Territorio

A political organisation with focus on working children. Day centres, therapeutic communities, clubs and public libraries coexist in common spaces. They organise themselves with the children and accompany them during difficult phases of childhood. The organisation is active in several provinces of Argentina, most of them in the greater Buenos Aires area..
Website: http://niñezyterritorio.org.ar
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/encuentro.nyt

La Miguelito Pepe

An organisation of educators from Bienos Aires (Argentina) who fight with militant commitment for the dignity and the social and political protagonism of children and youth of the working class.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lamiguelitopepe
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/LaMiguelitoPepe

Children's rights organisations

Organisations, institutions and initiatives which generally pursue a child rights approach:

CREAN - Children’s Rights European Academic Network

A network of more than 30 European higher education institutions working together to support education, research and public relations work on children's rights. Since its foundation in 2003, it has strengthened the academic field of children's rights as an interdisciplinary field of study. CREAN believes that academic research and university teaching play an essential role in promoting social awareness and understanding of the human rights of children. By promoting the introduction and support of university teaching courses and programmes (elective courses, summer courses, bachelor, master, advanced master and PhD programmes), CREAN trains experts and academics in the field of children's rights.
Website: https://crean-network.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CREAN.Network
Twitter: https://twitter.com/crean_network
Instagram: https://linkedin.com/company/children-s-rights-european-academic-network

MACR - Master in Childhood Studies and Children's Rights

Since October 2007, the MA Childhood Studies and Children's Rights at the FH Potsdam (formerly at Free University of Berlin) has also been offering an interdisciplinary Master's programme on children's rights.
Website: https://www.fh-potsdam.de/studieren/fachbereiche/sozial-und-bildungswissenschaften/studium/studiengaenge/master/ma-childhood-studies-and-childrens-rights-macr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MACR.FHP
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChildhoodMa
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/macr_potsdam

child rights connect

A registered Swiss association consisting of a General Assembly, Executive Committee, International Secretariat and several working groups. The focus of this association, which is mainly active in law and order, is on lobbying within EU institutions for the implementation of children's rights.
Website: https://www.childrightsconnect.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChildRightsCnct
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/childrightsconnect
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/childrightscnct

CRIN - Child Rights Information Network

An information service and think tank that develops new and dynamic perspectives on human rights issues with a focus on children's rights. It questions the status quo of the place of children in society. It pushes for rights - not charity - and advocates for real change in the way governments and societies see and treat children. Through research, artwork and her vision for the future, she encourages people to think critically about the world.
Website: https://home.crin.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/crinwire
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crin_stagram

ACPF - African Child Policy Forum

An independent, non-profit, pan-African institute for policy research and dialogue on African children. The ACPF aims specifically to contribute to improving knowledge about children in Africa, to monitor and report on progress, to identify policy options, to provide a platform for dialogue, to work with governments, intergovernmental organisations and civil society to develop and implement effective child-friendly policies and programmes, and also to promote a common voice for children in and outside Africa.
Website: https://www.africanchildforum.org

NYRA - National Youth Rights Association

A youth-led civil rights organisation in the USA which campaigns for the rights of young people and has around 10,000 members. The NYRA works to relax or remove various legal restrictions imposed on young people but not adults, such as the drinking age, voting age, and the imposition of curfew laws on youth.
Website: https://www.youthrights.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YouthRights
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YouthRights
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youthrights
YouTube-Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/user/nyrausa
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Youth_Rights_Association

KinderRÄchTsZÄnker (K.R.Ä.T.Z.Ä.)

A former group of young people working for equality between children and adults. Between 1992 and 2007, the initiative from Prenzlauer Berg attempted to bring about social change through public relations work on the topics of voting rights, school, family, age discrimination, child labour and youth protection.
Archived website: http://kraetzae.de

terre des hommes Germany

An independent association founded in 1967 by committed citizens, originally to help seriously injured children from the Vietnam War. It now supports 386 projects for exploited and disadvantaged children worldwide and in Germany. In Germany, volunteers work with terre des hommes in 120 places to help children in need.
Website: https://www.tdh.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tdh.de
Twitter: http://twitter.com/tdh_de
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tdh_de
YouTube-Kanal: http://www.youtube.com/user/tdhdeutschland

Updated: 14.12.2020